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Amazing Fan Art From THE LAST DRIVE-IN

Amazing Fan Art From THE LAST DRIVE-IN

November 15, 2019

Every week on The Last Drive-In, Joe Bob Briggs served up a double feature of horror with helpings of movie history, critical analysis, inspired rants and occasional surprise guests.

One of our favorite parts of #TheLastDriveIn was seeing the creativity Joe Bob’s movies picks inspired, a lot of which was shared with the hashtag #TheLastDrawIn, first coined by Austin-based artist Cody Schibi. Every week Cody drew, inked and colored two new works based on that Friday’s double features—most done in real-time during the episode.

Here’s the piece that started it all, from Week 1’s Castle Freak

And here are a few more great pieces from other artists (and links to their Twitter feeds):


And finally, here’s one from Coby’s twin brother Lance. Talent definitely runs in their family.