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Black Roses

Black Roses

Directed by John Fasano

Demons hypnotize the general public by posing as a rock and roll band.

Demons hypnotize the general public by posing as a rock and roll band.

Cast: John Martin, Ken Swofford, Sal Viviano

Member Reviews

Would go really well with Trick r Treat as a double feature. You can definitely see it's a Troma film haha

3 days ago

80s culture war on anything that challenge the revenue of established/organized religion. From role playing games like DnD metal music filthy Europeans, fantasy pop rock etc etc. fear is in the air, hysteria on max.

4 days ago

Want to watch a movie about a demonic hair metal band that corrupts teenagers, this is it!

1 month ago

id buy a black roses record just to go demon mode

1 month ago

Extremely , cheesy, but a lot of fun!! I enjoyed it! A a huge fan of hard rock and everything in the genre, it was a great ride.

2 months ago