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Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell

Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell

Directed by Shinichi Fukazawa

In this legendary independent Japanese cult film (alternately known as "The Japanese Evil Dead") a body builder, trapped inside a haunted house, must survive a blood soaked night of insanity to save himself and his friends from a demonic ghost that is hell-bent on revenge.

A body builder must save himself and his friends from a demonic ghost.

Cast: Rie Kondoh, Shiro Sano, Shoko Nakajima

Member Reviews

ok,I'm in the minority on this one apparently, & happy to be there,I've given it a lot of thought & can't agree that a character saying "groovy" makes a film,in any language 'the(insert country here)Evil Dead'! Evil Dead was released in 1981 after a gruelling shoot by a dedicated band of individuals on a mission,helmed by director with a twisted vision & the talent to pull it off. THIS film was made in 1995,& even if it was aiming for an early-80s vibe falls woefully short & just looks amateur without the imagination or talent to rise above it's budget. can't help thinking the painted poster is framed so that the hero looks like he has a shotgun for an arm,instead if Ash's chainsaw? there a thin line between homage & lazily riding on a superior film's coat tails 🤨 at least it was short🤣 but i will never,like some,criticise Shudder for running a film i consider to be rubbish,it's all part of the fun!

1 week ago

worth a watch if you enjoy a fun, splatter movie. it's cheesy, but the effects are creative and has a nice plot! unique enough from Evil Dead that it's not a complete rip off, it stands well on it's own.

3 weeks ago

A piece of J-horror that has its moniker of “the Japanese Evil Dead” for a reason. Only ignore if you hate fun, can’t read, or don’t like schlock.

3 weeks ago

Goofy and over the top. I loved it

1 month ago

this movie makes no sense such as with the acting!

1 month ago