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Death Valley

Death Valley

Directed by Matthew Ninaber

Two hired guns, commissioned to rescue an imprisoned scientist from a secret facility, are hunted down by a terrifying creature of unknown origin. A SHUDDER ORIGINAL

Two hired guns, commissioned to rescue an imprisoned scientist from a secret facility, are hunted down by a terrifying creature of unknown origin.

Cast: Jeremy Ninaber, Ethan Mitchell, Kristen Kaster

Member Reviews

Predictable, but exactly what I wanted out of a creature feature.

5 days ago

Stilted acting, dull pacing, no real sense of horror or suspense. It's just a sort of muddled monster plot with military elements tacked on. Not worth a watch.

2 weeks ago

The plot description sounded similar to Doom but it wasn’t anything like it. It was ok.

3 weeks ago

I wanted a creature feature. I got one.

1 month ago

For the reasons most of us posted here. Not a bad watch. Great scenery and a bit of Military Sci Fy content. Monsters were good. Needed more gore, but we all know how expensive that gets.

2 months ago