Demon Wind
Directed by Charles Philip Moore
The strange and brutal deaths of Cory’s grandparents has haunted him for years. Determined to discover the truth, he has returned to the desolate region where they lived, along with a group of friends, to try and uncover the mystery. Ignoring warnings from the locals that the area is cursed, Cory and his friends soon realize that the legend is true, as the Demon Wind, possesses and destroys them, one by one, turning them into monsters from hell.
Cory and a group of friends return to the desolate farmhouse where his grandparents were murdered, only to find the land is cursed.
Cast: Eric Larson, Francine Lapensée, Sherry Bendorf Leigh, Stephen Quadros
Member Reviews
So cheesy and great!! Loved this movie since I was a kid!
Great makeup effects and storyline!
this movie made feel awful but 2 skulls for the karate scene
For people who don't remember the eighties this film might not be so fun.
I really enjoyed demon wind it was like the evil dead meets the fog meets night of the living dead all presented in a very demonic dark way. At times a bit corny and acting wasn't the greatest but its very enjoyable for any horror fan it's a fun decent watch.