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Directed by Dick Maas

When the express elevators in New York City's 102-story Millennium Building start to malfunction, the horrifying secret behind the mysterious behavior of the bloodthirsty lift unravels.

Elevators in a 102-story building start to malfunction.

Cast: James Marshall, Naomi Watts, Eric Thal, Michael Ironside, Edward Herrmann, Dan Hedaya, Ron Perlman

Member Reviews

Entertaining flick. The reporter is a damn mess 😂 it’s campy but good action scenes

4 hours ago

This movie was so bad it was good. Must watch.

2 days ago

Fun, stupid trash from the 2000’s…. 4 stars for Naomi!!!!

2 days ago

People need to lighten up around here, it’s his was fun!! Plus any flick that offers Ron Perlman, Dan Hedaya and Michael Ironside in the same scene is already a win in my books

2 days ago

Can’t believe all those great actors signed off on this! But it soo cheesy good I love it! Like an 80s bonkers plot done in the 2000s

3 days ago