Faces of Death
Directed by Conan LeCilaire
This notorious cult "documentary" claims to show real footage of horrifying deaths of every shape and size, including animal attacks, wartime deaths, crashes and brutal murders. Is it real or faked? Google can give you the answer, but why spoil the fun? After its release in 1978, FACES OF DEATH became one of the most popular cult horror videos in history, and watching it became a rite of passage for young horror fans who had to sneak the tape past their parents. Invite your friends over, fry up a big bowl of monkey brains, and prepare to cover your eyes. Contains violence and gore.
This notorious cult doc claims to show real footage of horrifying deaths.
Cast: Michael Carr, Thomas Noguchi
Member Reviews
This film was a shock to me when I was 11. Now in my early 50s, this is just a bad, slow, and unimpressive film. Its has its shock factor, no more then driver ed movies that I watched at 16. This is my second viewing in the past 20 years. Only the scripted and staged bits stick with you. The rest of the film is forgetful. This might be more entertaining is it was part of the Joe Bob Briggs Last Drive-in, to give it context.
Never get me interested…just a bore
I could go on and on about this movie and its effect on pop culture and humans' natural morbid curiosity. But all you need to know is that. Most of this is dramatized, it's pretty obvious which parts are. It's not a good or enjoyable movie, even if someone tells you it's a horror rite of passage you don't have to subject yourself to this movie. You're not missing out on anything I promise. SPOILERS For previous reviews, the monkey restaurant scene is fake please calm down.
Awesome. Hopefuly Traces of Death will come on this site.