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Final Exam

Final Exam

Directed by Jimmy Huston

A psycho killer shows up on college campus to slash up pretty co-eds and dumb jocks.

A psycho killer shows up on college campus.

Cast: Cecile Bagdadi, Joel S. Rice, Ralph Brown

Member Reviews


2 weeks ago

I genuinely enjoyed and actually think it’s a stronger entry in the slasher realm

3 weeks ago

Definitely not one of the best 80's slashers.

1 month ago

It lacks the great writing, directing and acting that gave us some of the truly legendary slashers classics of the early 80s, and there's literally NO suspense and NONE of the characters have any depth (except Radish; someone should have given him his own movie). But nor is it as unwatchable terrible as, say, "Blood Lake." The characters might not have depth, but some of them are at least sympathetic, and it has the stones to give us a fake school shooting. Disagree with people who take umbrage at the fact that we never learn who the killer is, or why he did what he did; to quote Flaming Carrot, "sometimes we never know things." But also disagree that it's "so bad, it's good"; if only it were. In the end, it's pretty middlin'. Not surprisingly, it was NOT one of those horror movies that launched ANYBODY'S career.

1 month ago

I’m an 80s slasher fanatic. This movie is one of the very weakest of the era. There is ZERO gore, very little suspense, the killer is lame af, and the acting is laughably bad. But the worst sin is that it’s a very very BORING movie. The one standout thing this movie has is “that” one scene (which has nothing to do with the killer). The scene happens like 15 minutes in and it involves a brown van coming onto campus. Ooof.

2 months ago