First Contact
Directed by Bruce Wemple
Two estranged siblings meet at their late father's farmhouse and open a portal allowing an ancient, extra - dimensional monster into our world.
Two estranged siblings meet at their late father's farmhouse and open a portal allowing an ancient, extra - dimensional monster into our world.
Cast: Anna Shields, James Liddell, Chris Cimperman, Caitlin Duffy, Paul Kandarian
Member Reviews
Not the best for sure but an easy watch.
Vague interest on the subject matter was barely enough to drag me through to the end.
No. Just…no. Decent premise horribly fumbled. Bad cuts, bad writing, stiff dialogue with stiffer delivery, very weird cinematography that felt amateurish at best and like a roughly cut together TV movie at worst. Sound design felt like it was from a sample CD for film hobbyists from the 2000’s. Monster, when it finally came, dull, uninspired and underwhelming. I was relieved when the lead died because it meant I wouldn’t have to listen to her any longer. All of this could have been forgiven if the whole thing hadn’t been so so very BORING.
hahaha what the fuuuuck
it was necessary!!