Footprints on the Moon
Directed by Luigi Bazzoni
In the most criminally underseen giallo of the ‘70s, Florinda Bolkan stars as a freelance translator who wakes one morning missing all memory of her past three days. But will a trail of odd clues lead her to a place where perception and identity are never what they seem?
A freelance translator wakes one morning missing all memory of her past three days. But will a trail of odd clues lead her to a place where perception and identity are never what they seem?
Cast: Florinda Bolkan, Peter McEnery, Nicoletta Elmi, Caterina Boratto, John Karlsen
Member Reviews
i loved this movie! There's certainly some loose ends, but it has a great story that builds suspense and some beautiful scenery. It makes you kinda wish Garma was a real place.
Not bad but definitely a film I’ll only view once
A surreal, unsettling psychological thriller, skilfully directed by Bazzoni (it was his final film) with a measured, quietly powerful performance from Bolkan. Vittorio Storaro's cinematography is also worth noting, making use of locations in Rome and Turkey as a stand in for the coldly atmospheric fictional resort of Garma. Bazzoni expertly develops a steady pace in order to build tension and mystery resulting in an excellent giallo which does something original, rather than falling back on tired tropes. It deserves to be much more widely known.
Slow, but atmospheric. I loved it and I think back to it often. In the woman-losing-her-mind subgenre of giallo.
I can appreciate the effort that went into creating a unique story and plot because this was very weird. It was a mix of interesting and kind of confusing and boring, at times it really peaked my interest and I got into finding out who she was. Almost instantly it would go back to being like I just need it to end, that being said at least it's a giallo with a different storyline. The ending was cool it didn't really tie anything together for me though.