Friday the 13th Part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan
Directed by Rob Hedden
When vacation Jason boards a cruise ship taking teenagers to New York City, there's no place for the passengers to run. But beyond Crystal Lake, Jason will find new slaygrounds in the subways, sewers, and mean streets of Manhattan.
Vacation Jason boards a cruise ship to NYC, and there's no place for the passengers to run.
Cast: Jensen Daggett, Scott Reeves, Barbara Bingham, Peter Mark Richman, Kane Hodder
Member Reviews
Not the best movie in the series but an great one none the less. Jason smashing the boom box and punching the guys head off were classic kills. Jasons attention to his surroundings in this installment made him relatable and realistic.
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes (most of the film's runtime to get to) Manhattan
Awesome, the dog lived.
Where everything goes downhill for the F13 movie franchise.
Typical transplant, only going to Time Square. Didn't even bother to get a dollar slice, either. smh