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From Black

From Black

Directed by Thomas Marchese

A young mother, crushed by guilt after the disappearance of her young son 5 years previously, is presented with a bizarre offer to learn the truth and set things right. But how far is she willing to go, and is she willing to pay the terrifying price for a chance to hold her boy again?

A young mother, crushed by guilt after the disappearance of her young son 5 years previously, is presented with a bizarre offer to learn the truth and set things right. But how far is she willing to go, and is she willing to pay the terrifying price for a chance to hold her boy again?

Cast: Anna Camp, John Ales, Jennifer Lafleur, Travis Hammer, Ritchie Montgomery, Eduardo Campirano III, Alicia Mason, Ian Casselberry, Nick Marchan, Aerial Nicole

Member Reviews

at first, i did t think i was goiing to like this, as the movie was setting up the story. but, after the movie git goin, I really liked it. i loved the Demon, loved the showing of dark ceremonies, and loved the use of dark, loud, hainting music to keep you unsertled theough the sad but beautifully filmed inagery.

1 month ago

Well, I guess I'll have to go and watch this other flick that everyone keeps ranting & raving about... A Duck's Dong, something or other.

1 month ago

a bit of a slow burn, doesn't get going till the 2nd half of the film. Good ending.

1 month ago

Surprisingly a well wrote and acted film!

1 month ago

Just no

2 months ago