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Galaxy of Terror

Galaxy of Terror

Directed by Bruce Clark, Bruce D. Clark

Neurotic astronauts face a giant worm and other monsters on a distant planet.

Astronauts face space monsters on a distant planet.

Cast: Edward Albert, Erin Moran, Ray Walston, Bernard Behrens, Zalman King, Robert Englund, Taaffe O'Connell, Sid Haig, Grace Zabriskie, Jack Blessing

Member Reviews

A bizarre and fun ride.

3 weeks ago

It's incoherent, but has its moments. It loses a skull for the infamous maggot rape scene, which caused me some not inconsiderable psychic damage. It an image I wish I could unsee.

1 month ago

Is it an Alien clone? Yes. Is it ripe for Mystery Science Theater 3000? Absolutely. But the set pieces and practical effects are actually pretty good. The editing and acting is subpar, but humorously so. Really fun watch.

1 month ago

RIP Mr Corman great cult classic

2 months ago

Way more cinematically stunning than it has any right to be.

2 months ago