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Head of the Family

Head of the Family

Directed by Charles Band

Upset the head and you're dead! In the twisted tradition of Re-Animator, join the huge-headed Myron Stackpool and his creepy clan for some frightening fun. The Stackpool family have been doing some freaky experiments in the bowels of their basement and the local residents find that they are in it way over their heads.

A family of mutants lead by the giant head 'Myron' rule over a small town.

Cast: Blake Adams, Jacqueline Lovell, Bob Schott, James Jones, Alexandria Quinn, J.W. Perra

Member Reviews

A perfect example of a bad good movie. The lead HEAD absolutely steals the show. The Brits have William Shakespeare, American horror will settle for Charles Band. This flick is truly beautiful American trash. A personal favorite I spring on the ones I hold dear.

5 days ago

I’m not going to recommend this to anyone I know. I hide this part of me from the normal folks. But as a well seasoned Drive-In Mutant, I love the flick so. The main performance is Tongue in Cheek but done like a true thespian. American shit horror with a perfect tough of Shakepier

5 days ago

im glad to see the majority of reviews for this are favorable, i can't in all good conscience go higher than 3 skulls but did very much enjoy it! I've seen a lot of Charles Bands' work over the years,Full Moon was a go-to studio for me as a teenager,you never knew what you were going to get but you knew it was going to going to be a lot of fun,especially with beer & spliffs to enhance the experience. ok,there is gratuitous sex & nudity,but Jacqueline Lovell as Loretta never breaks character & puts in a sterling performance, & J.W. Parra's Myron Stackpool is bond-villain quality, his performance is theatrical & i have a new obsession as can find almost no further information about this actor🤔

2 weeks ago

Tom Sawyer and MODOK engage in a battle of the wits, only to be bested by a most diabolical bitch.

2 months ago

This changed my life, not in a good way. The entire thing is supposed to be a camp horror, it resembles the same sort of humour as something like Beetle Juice or Little Shop of Horrors but they somehow made it into a porno. Instead of having any sub plot, they wanted to take advantage of the fact they had 2 porn actresses on the cast and wrote in 100 drawn out sex scenes that are entirely unnecessary. Anytime the main guy is talking to the Loretta he’s having sex with her. The other actress I guess couldn’t act so they make her walk around silent with a corset.

4 months ago