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Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire

Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire

Directed by Stephen Cognetti

Guests, both past and present, will battle for their souls as all is revealed about the Abaddon Hotel and the evil that dwells there. One year after the events of Hell House LLC II, the hotel is on the verge of being torn down when it is purchased by billionaire Russell Wynn as the new home for his popular immersive show, "Insomnia". He invites journalist Venessa Sheppard and her crew to record everything happening inside the hotel leading up to the performance. But they soon encounter a more nefarious plot– one that threatens to unleash a veritable hell on earth...

The Abaddon Hotel will once again be open and guests will battle for their souls.

Cast: Gabriel Chytry, Elizabeth Vermilyea, Sam Kazzi

Member Reviews

I've watched these in a funny order... but didn't find it as enjoyable as hell house origins

1 day ago

Not a bad third entry in the franchise. It's still strongest when it goes all in on "alone with a camera" and weakest when showing the "demons" or "followers" or whatever they are. The special effects of the "gateway" was also rather bad, just as in the second one. Not as creepy or as many scares as the two previous entries, but still manages to tell an engaging story, with a bit of fun gore thrown in. The acting was a step up from the last one, and I did have fun watching this. The ending was somewhat bizarre, but kind of cozy I suppose.

1 day ago

Hmmmm what I can say is that I found it to be a bit of mixed bag just like my opinion on the second one but both for different reasons. This one is because I feel it is trying to be very ambitious as the big finale to story set up in one and two following the plot threads established with the hotel doing things behind the scenes from long before hellhouse opened sending out ghosts and little threads to attract more people to their hotel for their souls. was one of the few who did not dislike the second as I found it to be well written in terms of tying the plot into the overarching narrative. Overall, I can suspend disbelief and enjoy the bigger picture of the lore, but this movie defiantly was weakest with the characters and immediate plot focusing to much on the previous films for the scares. Yes it is the third, but I felt some new stuff could have been added. Enjoyed the end and how it ultimately tied up things, but felt it focused to much on stuff from the first over some expansions the second added. It did talk about them, but glossed over pretty quickly. Just my opinion.

6 days ago

give it a chance

1 week ago

Better than 2. At least the characters we have are MUCH more enjoyable. But oh my goodness if these movies do not stop trying to explain this ridiculously stupid plot I’m gonna lose my mind.

3 weeks ago