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Hell House LLC: The Director's Cut

Hell House LLC: The Director's Cut

Directed by Stephen Cognetti

A documentary crew investigates unexplained events involving the opening night of a Halloween haunted house tour. This director's cut has 8 additional minutes of footage plus extras.

Mystery surrounds this Halloween haunted house tour tragedy.

Cast: Gore Abrams, Alice Bahlke, Danny Bellini, Theodore Bouloukos, Ryan Jennifer Jones, Jared Hacker, Phil Hess

Member Reviews

I love this series already and finding the director's cut was a nice little topping to it.

3 days ago

not for me. Some creepy bits but a lot of the movie felt very long with not enough scare. Even the climax felt a bit empty, and this is a film that builds entirely to its climax, so that really had to hit. Can appreciate the time and effort that went into it, but it's a miss for me.

2 weeks ago

re;my previous review of this film-just noticed it's only 9 minutes longer than 'the Houses...',isn't it strange how a 2hour+ film can leave you wanting more,while a 90-ish minute film can make you feel like you've wasted a week?! maybe I'm just waaaay over this kind of self indulgent found footage dross,but at least i know i can still enjoy a halloween house film having just watched 'Haunt',a cracking film👍

2 weeks ago

ever feel like you've somehow watched a different film?! you have to go a long way through the previous reviews to find less than a 4skull,so I'm ALMOST starting to qustion my sanity🥴 i thought the Houses of Halloween(that October Built!) was woefully mediocre, but at least it had the decency to only last 88minutes🤣

2 weeks ago

a future classic with realistic characters that arent boring. funny but not unrealistic

3 weeks ago