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Directed by John Adams, Zelda Adams, Toby Poser

16 year-old Izzy leads an isolated life on a lonely mountaintop. All she’s learned is from her protective mom and the wilderness that swallows them. Questioning her illness and starved for companionship, Izzy sneaks down the mountain where she befriends brazen Amber. Izzy is in heaven, until a cruel drinking game with a live worm unleashes a new kind of hunger. Confused and scared, Izzy appeals to Mom for answers. But Mom’s secrets are as old and dark as the bloodline from which they’re born, and her grip is tight. Nature can only sleep for so long though, and when it wakes, it’s hungry as hell. A SHUDDER ORIGINAL

There will be Hell to pay when a lonely teen discovers her family’s ties to witchcraft.

Cast: Zelda Adams, Toby Poser, Lulu Adams, John Adams

Member Reviews

Great lore and storytelling. Same as their other films; some iffy acting and visual fx/cg. This film is definitely The Adams best looking film to date and I would say overall their best effort. A great place to start for The Adams. If you don’t absolutely love this movie, you’re probably not going to like their other flicks. I also loved the band breaks/mini music videos in this.

G. J.
3 days ago

Dreadfully delightful. u

6 days ago

several of the actors are the ones who made the movie, did the score, the script. . . it's a huge indie effort and it was a DELIGHT to watch. . awesome music (gave me Yeah Yeah Yeahs meets Le Tigre) and some absolutely incredible visual treats sprinkled throughout. the framing/directing was super well done and effective. slower film but great pacing, I was never bored. sure the ending could have been a little more satisfying but overall I loved this. support independent art!!!

2 weeks ago

This movie was an absolute treat! loved the music too

Mr. C.
2 weeks ago

Entertaining movie if you are ok with a slow burn. Relationships between characters feel very realistic, and I found myself feeling sympathy for them at times. Interesting visuals and ideas.

2 weeks ago