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History of Evil

History of Evil

Directed by Bo Mirhosseni

In the near future, war and corruption have plagued America and turned it into a theocratic police state. Against the oppression, ordinary citizens have formed a group called The Resistance. One such member, Alegre Dyer, breaks out of political prison and reunites with her husband Ron and daughter Daria. On the run from the militia, the family takes shelter in a remote safe house. But their journey is far from over, as the house’s dark past begins to eat away at Ron, and his earnest desire to keep his family safe is overtaken by something much more sinister.

Paul Wesley and Jacke Cruz star in this near future haunter about a safe house with a dark past.

Cast: Paul Wesley, Jackie Cruz, Murphee Bloom, Rhonda Johnson Dents

Member Reviews

Not bad. Just cause there weren’t enough killings doesn’t mean that the movie ain’t good.

1 week ago

That opening prepped me for a completely different movie. This movie had a nice concept that, unfortunately, wasn't executed properly. I would say this is trying to be a psychology horror, akin to Amityville and the Shinning. Watch this if you just finished Vampire Diaries and need some Paul Wesley. Several people have compared it to The Shinning. Stick to that one.

2 weeks ago

Don't waste your time with this slow moving completely boring garbage of a movie

2 weeks ago

great film

3 weeks ago

We get it; MAGA bad. Move on.

4 weeks ago