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Il Demonio

Il Demonio

Directed by Brunello Rondi

Purif is distraught when her lover is betrothed to another. When she summons the old ways to curse him, her erratic behavior is interpreted as demonic possession, and the villagers turn against her. The second film by frequent Fellini collaborator Brunello Rondi, IL DEMONIO is a stunning story of obsessive love, set in a rural Southern Italian village where Christianity has integrated many of the old superstitious beliefs.

Purif is distraught when her lover is betrothed to another. When she summons the old ways to curse him, her erratic behavior is interpreted as demonic possession.

Cast: Daliah Lavi, Frank Wolff, Anna María Aveta, Tiziana Casetti, Dario Dolci

Member Reviews

What a waste of a beautiful woman

2 months ago

Great character study throwback to old Italian horror I liked it alot but yeah it seems to drag a bit. Still kept my interest and Better than I expected it to be a different take on possession theme love the lead.

6 months ago

Definitely more artful than I was expecting, I put this one on my list expecting a giallo. I wouldn't call Il Demonio 'scary' so much as unsettling. I almost didn't make it through because I was extremely uncomfortable, and if that's what Brunello Rondi intended, he delivered in SPADES. Not a lot of horror makes me feel like that.

7 months ago

it was so frickin boring, it drags, i had to just skip to the ending. spoiler she dies in the end.

7 months ago

Lovely depictions of various old-world folk magic practices in an almost pseudo-documentary "Haxan" style. Truly captivating performance by Ms. Lavi.

9 months ago