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Knives and Skin

Knives and Skin

Directed by Jennifer Reeder

A mystical teen noir that follows a young girl's disappearance in the rural Midwest and its effect on teens and parents.

A mystical teen noir that follows a young girl's disappearance in the rural Midwest and its effect on teens and parents.

Cast: Ireon Roach, Kate Arrington, Tim Hopper

Member Reviews

This is what happens when try to make Twin Peaks.

4 days ago

I wanted to like it, but 48 minutes in I realized I still had more than an hour to go and I couldn’t keep lying to myself. Moves too slow/plodding, doesn’t center any particular character, it’s hard to understand why students would be impacted by the disappearance of the weird girl no one seems connected to, and there isn’t really a hugely sympathetic character in the bunch. Stylized teen romantic drama with Lynchian overtones but it doesn’t quite hit on all cylinders. May watch the 2nd half… someday…

1 week ago

Good watch. Kinda teen drama”y” but it still tells a story of the horrors their own horrors they face in their small town. Dope sound track !

1 week ago

Fab. 2nd watch for me. The ST is great, but the choir arrangements are weak.

1 month ago

Borderline unwatchable. If you want to watch a movie on Shudder with a diverse cast that’s actually good, try Sissy instead.

1 month ago