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Directed by Joe Giannone

In this cult slasher classic, a maniacal killer named Madman Marz stalks a summer camp after a boy who doesn’t believe the urban legend screams his name into the woods. Now the psycho who brutally murdered his family and escaped into the woods is back, turning the campers’ summer vacation into their last days on Earth. Joe Giannone’s first and only cinematic endeavor became a huge hit on VHS, endearing it to a generation of ‘80s slasher fans. Watch it back to back with CROPSEY - the Shudder doc about the inspiration for Madman Marz - for maximum chills.

In this cult slasher classic, a maniacal killer named Madman Marz stalks camp kids.

Cast: Paul Ehiers, Tony Fish, Gaylen Ross

Member Reviews

Typical 80s slasher fare. A lot of fun but not much to it. It is worth a watch, though! Things I learned from this movie: 1) camp counsellors are a source of sage advice; 2) a simple apology does wonders for one’s love life; 3) moving in circles around the perimeter of a hot tub sets one’s passions on fire; 4) wandering through the woods at night and stating out loud “where am I?” with a deranged killer on the loose usually does not bode well; 5) it’s easy for a killer to sneak up on people in the night, in the woods, and not make a sound despite walking on leaves and twigs; 6) when being pursued by an ax killer in the woods, it’s best to crawl backwards through the brush rather than stand up and run; 7) a major downside from living in seclusion as a deranged killer is it severely damages the tone and texture of the hands; 8) forcing down a car hood onto a neck results in a clean decapitation; 9) a car hitting a tree head-on at slow speed will force the door wide open and the passenger to fall out, rather than forward

2 days ago

Awesome 80s slasher flick.

1 week ago

Classic '80s slasher.

1 week ago

Good but the Burning is way better

1 week ago

This was an extremely average film. It wasn't objectively "bad" but it wasn't really good either. I don't have much to add that hasn't been written already. It's an okay watch, but just okay.

2 months ago