Directed by Nico Van Den Brink
MOLOCH tells the story of Betriek who lives a quiet life with her family at the edge of a peat bog. When they are attacked by a random stranger one night, Betriek sets out to find an explanation. But the deeper she digs, the more she becomes convinced something ancient is after her and her loved ones. A SHUDDER ORIGINAL
After being attacked, the deeper Betriek digs, the more she becomes convinced a mysterious entity is hunting her.
Cast: Sallie Harmsen, Alexandre Willaume, Anneke Blok, Fred Goessens, Noor Van Der Velden
Member Reviews
Not for me
Brilliant. Loved it all.
Excellent I’m still trying to figure out the ending!
Enjoyable folk horror. It carefully treads the line between well-known genre conventions and genuine tension and surprise. If you're a bit deflated 2/3 of the way through, definitely stick it out until the end.