Directed by Jennifer Reeder
PERPETRATOR follows Jonny, a wild and impulsive teenage girl living precariously in a town where young women continue to go missing, and the power she's forced to unlock to survive.
A teenage girl must master her secret power to survive.
Cast: Kiah McKirnan, Alicia Silverstone, Christopher Lowell, Melanie Liburd, Ireon Roach, Casimere Jollette, Sasha Kuznetsov
Member Reviews
the girls who get it
So strange, slow, misleading, little to no plot, so many things left unanswered and just a lot of random scenes put together, felt like a whole tv show within a movie that just didn’t lead up to anything. Not a fan, which was sad cause love one of the main actresses.
Reminded me of a new version of ginger snaps
Surreal dark comedy with some heartfelt moments. Unique and tongue in cheek. Fun !
I know they explained literally everything, but I still don't understand what the hell is going on in this movie. Super weird movie...