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Primal Rage

Primal Rage

Directed by Vittorio Rambaldi

A scientist at a Florida university inadvertently creates a "rage virus" while performing experiments intended to restore dead brain tissue in baboons.

A baboon infected with a "rage virus" escapes from a lab.

Cast: Patrick Lowe, Cheryl Arutt, Sarah Buxton

Member Reviews

You see the balls on that guy? WOAH

2 weeks ago

Fun 80s horror movie. Ridiculous Halloween party with costumes only an Italian writer that has never seen an American Halloween party could create. Bonus - the mad doctor's baby ponytail - 5 skulls.

2 weeks ago

I can't figure out why I keep wanting to rewatch this movie! Not good in a lot of respects, but turn your brain off fun.

2 months ago

Very good movie. A lot of people from the 60`S would like this.

2 months ago

There have been enough rage monkey movies that I wasn't actually sure from the description whether or not I'd seen this one. It kinda whiplashes around in quality, with the horror parts generally being pretty good, while the college stuff is mostly cringe, and sometimes flat out painfully terrible.

6 months ago