Primal Rage
Directed by Vittorio Rambaldi
A scientist at a Florida university inadvertently creates a "rage virus" while performing experiments intended to restore dead brain tissue in baboons.
A baboon infected with a "rage virus" escapes from a lab.
Cast: Patrick Lowe, Cheryl Arutt, Sarah Buxton
Member Reviews
Would've been a 5 without all the rapey stuff
Good 80's cheesefest. Decent effects, bad acting, acid wash as far as the eye could see and guess i'll be singing "SAY THE WORD" at 3am
That is some cheesy and terrible stuff right there. The opening song just makes you want to turn it off, and then the bad acting starts. See what you think. On to the next.
this was pretty good overall. it really tried to be something more than the sum of its parts and i enjoyed it.
I had heard of this movie a few times before and knew it was on here , finally getting around to watching it was alot of fun. I guess you can call it an early outbreak virus movie, love the music in it too was a good one worth seeing.