Directed by Stan Winston
When teenagers inadvertently kill his only son, Ed Harley seeks the powers of a witch to bring him back to life, but when she tells Ed the child’s death is irreversible, his grief becomes vengeful rage! Ed and the witch invoke an evil demon known as “Pumpkinhead;” however, as the creature exacts revenge on the teens, Ed sees his link to the beast and knows that he must stop its deadly mission before he becomes one with the creature forever! A true horror cult-classic!
Ed Harley invokes an evil demon known as "Pumpkinhead" to avenge the death of his son.
Cast: Cynthia Bain, Jeff East, Joel Hoffman
Member Reviews
Excellent cult classic cant wait to get the Syndicate Collectibles figure of Pumpkinhead amazing practical effects and puppetry holds up well
A Halloween go-to every year,maybe the first time I've felt the plot a little 'thin' but definitely still a classic(EVERYBODY says so for a reason!),mainly due to the overall aesthetic of the film,& the creature still being impressive nearly 40 years after the film was made! I disagree that Stan Winston on directing duty is a 'bonus' as it means the design & lighting etc are great but the storytelling could be improved, would LOVE to see this remade by DelToro,after 'the Car' obviously 🤣
Classic. Impressive creature effects.
a classic
A really fun, old fashioned horror romp.