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Directed by Kyle Edward Ball

Two children wake up in the middle of the night to find their father is missing, and all the windows and doors in their home have vanished. To cope with the strange situation, the two bring pillows and blankets to the living room and settle into a quiet slumber party situation. They play well worn videotapes of cartoons to fill the silence of the house and distract from the frightening and inexplicable situation. All the while in the hopes that eventually some grown-ups will come to rescue them. However, after a while it becomes clear that something is watching over them. A SHUDDER ORIGINAL.

Two children wake up in the middle of the night to find their father is missing, and all the windows and doors in their home have vanished.

Cast: Lucas Paul, Dali Rose Tetreault, Ross Paul, Jaime Hill

Member Reviews

Kind creepy but not worth watching.

16 hours ago

Creepy but not worth watching.

16 hours ago

Watched this with a couple of friends in a pitch black, empty house late at night and man was it perfect conditions. We really got immersed and were covering our faces in anticipatory fear throughout lol Not for everyone but if you are a fan of slow paced, suspenseful, immersive horror or analog horror, definitely give it a chance. We loved it.

16 hours ago

Was this a Student film, because I'm missing what the idea was here.

1 day ago

This film, for me, is one of the scariest and most suspenseful in the horror genre. As a result of multiple reasons. First of all, as someone who had quite a traumatic childhood and a very unpredictable environment. This film resonated with me due to its unpredictability by using a really unusual filming style and by having silent moments with sudden changes in both camera angles and sound. Making it jumpy at parts, but not in the traditional sense as the whole film is dimly lit and has long dark hallways, creating a tense, nerve-wracking experience because you never know what is going to happen. Secondly, the whole concept of being locked inside your house with a malevolent interdemensional being that can mimic loved one's voices and alter reality is terrifying! Finally, I love how this film takes it time and really gets your imagination going. It also allows the feeling of impending doom and existential dread to sink in deep once the viewer realizes these kids are stuck alone with no way of escape. The cartoons on the VCR screen can shine through as well because of the runtime. This, in turn, creates the feeling of childhood nostalgia and innocence while we know the horrible situation these unsuspecting children are in. Making it that more terrifying. However, I understand why some people may not like the film because of the ultra slow pace of the

1 day ago