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Slumber Party Massacre 2

Slumber Party Massacre 2

Directed by Deborah Brock

Courtney, the younger sister of the "new girl across the street" in the first film is all grown up now, but suffers from nightmares about the Big Wet Incident. She and the other members of her female rock group go to a condo for the weekend to play music and have fun with their boyfriends. Courtney's dreams are of her sister, who is in a mental institution, warning her of having sex, and the dreams begin to spill into real life, threatening Courtney and her friends as they begin experiencing an attrition problem.

In this outlandish sequel, a teen and her friends are terrorized by a driller killer rock star with a lethal guitar.

Cast: Crystal Bernard, Kimberly McArthur, Juliette Cummins, Patrick Lowe, Heidi Kozak

Member Reviews

Not great, not good even, but still an enjoyable watch. About as connected to the first one as Silent Night Deadly Night 3 to its predecessors and it had no more of a resolution than most '80s movies

5 days ago

Not good, not even for the time it was made.

1 month ago

So bad it's good

1 month ago

didnt disappoint

1 month ago

Insanity. Just roll with it.

2 months ago