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Sorority House Massacre

Sorority House Massacre

Directed by Carol Frank

College student Beth and her sorority sisters are stalked by an escaped psychopathic killer who shares a strange telepathic link with her.

A College student and her sorority are stalked by a psychopathic killer who shares a strange telepathic link with her.

Cast: Angela O'Neill, Wendy Martel, Pamela Ross

Member Reviews

Such a boring film. Acting is pretty bad.

1 week ago

By 1986 the slasher was just a bunch of hoary tropes and cliches, and this is no exception.

1 month ago

Far from the worst slasher of its era. Doesn't knock your socks off but is a decent (if predictable) story with some occasionally nice shots and imagery (and nudity, if that sways you). I have seen so, so many slashers from the 80s and early 90s that ended up far worse than this one. Maybe not destined to be a cult classic, sure, but a perfectly fine little rainy day movie.

1 month ago

Plot wasn’t bad but the acting was atrocious. Can’t recommend when there are much better slasher movies available.

2 months ago

Pretty bad in an okay way. Nothing much more to say that hasn't been said except, the acting was so incredibly awful except for the only two black Americans that had 3 second roles. If they would've given them leading roles the acting would've been half as bad. Should've made the nurse at the end a sorority sister.

2 months ago