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Stay Out of the F**king Attic

Stay Out of the F**king Attic

Directed by Jerren Lauder

A group of ex-cons-turned-professional movers are convinced by their creepy client, Vern Muller, to pull an all-nighter for a generous pay bump. It turns out their client is a Nazi surgeon and his living experiments are rotting in the attic. As the night progresses and rooms are cleared, they uncover the horrors that exist inside his old Victorian mansion. Together, they must find a way to escape his house of horrors; Will they be able to survive the night? A SHUDDER ORIGINAL.

A trio of movers. A creepy client. A horrific secret in the attic. Will they survive the night?

Cast: Ryan Francis, Morgan Alexandria, Bryce Fernelius

Member Reviews

If you want a movie that takes itself too seriously, this is clearly not what you want. It's well filmed for being lower budget, gives some decent characters to follow, and is a decent watch. I wouldn't call it a C movie like so many on this site are, but a solid low B.

5 hours ago

Was intriguing but plot line was quite simple !

6 days ago

me again! sorry ive now posted 3 times in relation to this film🥴 only reason for previous 2 was that first took a while to appear & i thought i hadn't sent it! anyhoo, now I'm here,this is a BAD film🤣

3 weeks ago

sometimes you wish no skulls was an option! the title,& the first 30 minutes,of this led me to believe that it was at least attempting to be a comedy of some description. then it dawned on me that the only laughable thing about it was that those involved i assume thought that their efforts had some creative merit. i can imagine the Mengele actor having talent given the right material, unfortunately he was not enough to save this. the whole nazi thing CAN work in horror,for obvious reasons, but this was cheap,lazy pandering. if you want to see it done right,with heart & soul,track down 'Freaks Vs the Reich',terrible title, impeccable film👍

3 weeks ago

i know beauty is in the eye of the beholder,but an appreciative review of this film is way beyond my comprehension. the first half hour i thought i was in for a comedy,but i think that was down to performances by the 3 main protagonists that were over,or under,played & impossible for me to engage with. Michael Flynn felt to me like he was in a different, better,film but was not enough to save this.the kind of film that makes you hope your next choice is waaay better! the use of a nazi element can be a lazy choice for the genre,but if you want to see how it CAN be done check out the Italian film 'Freaks Vs the Reich',terrible title,impeccable film.

3 weeks ago