Directed by Robert Morgan
Ella Blake is a stop-motion animator who is struggling to control her demons after the loss of her overbearing mother. Suddenly alone in the world, she embarks upon the creation of a macabre new puppet film, which soon becomes the battleground for her sanity. As Ella’s mind starts to fracture, the characters in her animated film take on a terrifying life of their own, and the unleashed power of her imagination threatens to destroy her.
A struggling stop-motion animator is haunted by her own creations in this acclaimed and nightmarish vision from director Robert Morgan.
Cast: Aisling Franciosi, Stella Gonet, Tom York, Caoilinn Springall, Therica Wilson-Read
Member Reviews
Great visuals but it uses the same "obsessed artist" horror plot that every other film/book/video game of this genre uses. Seriously, if you have seen almost any other movie about an artist going crazy over their art, then you'll know what's going to happen in this one.
So brilliant. Gorgeous use of multimedia.
we watched this in theatres and it was odd. loved it.
Pretty good c
Been a Robert Morgan fan since 2001 - love all his horror shorts! The Cat With Hands and Belial's Dream will always be my favs! But this movie is honestly horrific - lacks everything that makes me love Robert Morgan's work normally. I don't know if it was due to being live action or feature length, but this is the worst thing he's ever produced :(