Directed by Carter Smith
Two friends must survive a night of drugs, bugs and unrequited hugs in this body horror from Carter Smith (The Ruins).
Two friends must survive a night of drugs, bugs and unrequited hugs.
Cast: Cooper Koch, Jose Colon, Mark Patton, Jena Malone
Member Reviews
I loved it. It's not really a horror. More like drama thriller with a touch of sci fi. A bit of male full frontal nudity (not that there's anything wrong with that) as well as some sugestive "butt workout" as well which is a unique perspective. I enjoyed the directo'r other movie "The Ruins" too. The lead actor, Cooper is gorgeous which helps and all the cast were great too. I recommend watching it for something different.
gayest movie in the world
great acting and a great depiction of the relationship between the characters. not necessarily horror, but this works for me.
Pretty good, tight cast, well acted, and doesn’t drag the premise out.
It was ok, but didn't really deliver a good story.