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The Autopsy of Jane Doe

The Autopsy of Jane Doe

Directed by Andre Ovredal

Coroners are mystified by an unidentified corpse, until a series of terrifying events make it clear: Jane Doe may not be dead.

Coroners are mystified by an unidentified corpse until a series of terrifying events make it clear: Jane Doe may not be dead.

Cast: Brian Cox, Emile Hirsch, Ophelia Lovibond

Member Reviews

My daughter and I loved this. Excellent special effects and a good story with characters that are likable. Brian Cox is solid as always. It was cool to watch their discoveries unfold. Even if I kind of guessed what was going on, seeing it all unfold was worth it. And had some cool surprises I didn’t expect. Very well done.

2 weeks ago

Fantastic all the way through

2 weeks ago

Fantastic movie! There's no other way to put it. It's creepy, surreal but understands less us more. Not a particularly long movie, because it didn't have to be. I wanted to give it its not quite a 5 skulls movie for me but imo it's more than a 4. Highly recommend that you watch this one if you haven't done so already l. 4 (4. 5)/5

2 weeks ago

Very creepy and well directed.

2 weeks ago

Just as good second time around, worth the watch.

3 weeks ago