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The Devil's Doorway

The Devil's Doorway

Directed by Aislinn Clarke

In 1960, two priests are sent to investigate a miracle in an Irish home for unwed mothers only to discover that one of the residents is possessed by the devil.

An unwed mother is possessed by the devil.

Cast: Lalor Roddy, Ciaran Flynn, Helena Bereen, Lauren Coe

Member Reviews

Underrated found footage movie

2 weeks ago

Good movie wish they made more like this

4 weeks ago

Amazing. I really thought the scares were great. The story was good as well. I was genuinely scared at some points. . the scared that makes you want to turn the volume down and make you look away. I rarely feel that from horror movies anymore.

1 month ago

someone get these guys a budget! unfortunately there were many issues here but i feel that's mostly down to the extremely, extremely low budget they were working with. I'd love to see what they're capable of with a bigger budget. concept was very strong.

3 months ago

pretty good but jumpscares were pretty lame

4 months ago