The Void
Directed by Jeremy Gillespie, Steven Kostanski
When creepy cultists surround a hospital one night, a cop tries his best to escape. But after one of the nurses transforms into a tentacled monster, Daniel realizes something truly evil is happening here- but how to stop it isn’t quite clear...yet. Even in an unusually rich year for horror like 2017, with North American fright flicks like GET OUT and IT becoming mega-hits, this crowd-funded Canadian chiller generated significant attention as a throwback to John Carpenter faves like THE THING and PRINCE OF DARKNESS, complete with superb practical effects and a scary synth score. Don’t miss this. A SHUDDER UK EXCLUSIVE. Contains strong language, sexual scenes, violence and gore.
A cult traps a police officer inside a hospital that soon becomes inhabited by demonic monsters.
Cast: Aaron Poole, Daniel Carter, Kathleen Munroe, Alison Fraser, Daniel Fathers
Member Reviews
Right so I've a chance to watch it again 4 months later, this time relatively sober enough to not make stupid comments. It's a kind of mixture of 80s gore and sfx with a late 90s James Herbert novel thrown in (although several pages have been torn out and placed at random places). You can sort of tell whilst watching this the state of the writers and production staff, including the director, at all stages: they go from a bit tipsy to raging drunks then decide to eat way too many shrooms, but finish off with some sort of god-like epiphany in Egypt. Bizarre. Good, but bizarre.
Really good👍
Dreadful acting and pretty poor writing. SFX were awesome though!
2nd time watching this and it is still fantastic
Just wow!! It had everything I wanted from a horror film! The gore was brilliant! Highly recommend 👍