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Tin Can

Tin Can

Directed by Seth A. Smith

Leading parasitologist Fret is working on ways to control a strange life-form when she is kidnapped, waking up in life-suspension chamber.

Parasitologist Fret works to control a strange life-form.

Cast: Anna Hopkins, Simon Mutabazi

Member Reviews

Interesting, more indie sci-fi than horror. Looks and sounds great. Overall better than the score would auggest.

1 month ago

It doesn't really matter how well-acted or well-made something is if the writing is god-awful.

2 months ago

Not bad.just because there was not much killing and action doesn’t mean that the movie wasn’t good.

6 months ago

better than the review score suggests but not a classic

7 months ago

Why I don’t really use shudder as often as I would like is for films like this. Great concept but excruciating to watch the film didn’t need to be this long and as slowly paced as it is it becomes

8 months ago