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Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam

Directed by William Lustig

The corpse of a patriotic veteran comes back to life on July 4th, dons an Uncle Sam costume and goes on a killing spree in his hometown. Sam’s main target? Anyone who offends his ultra-patriotic views, including corrupt congressmen, anti-war people and more! But don’t think director William Lustig (MANIAC) and screenwriter Larry Cohen (GOD TOLD ME TO) are celebrating fascistic patriotism with their subversive and silly slasher. UNCLE SAM ultimately skewers the kind of rah-rah attitudes that have now come into full bloom 20 years after Lustig’s film was released.

The corpse of a patriotic veteran reanimates and goes on an Independence Day killing spree.

Cast: William Smith, David 'Shark' Fralick, Christopher Ogden, Issac Hayes

Member Reviews

This was badly written the movie itself could've been a hit if the plot wasn't so rushed.

4 days ago

Funny and cheesy, but ok! Pretty good kills though. Don't take it too serious!

2 months ago

Ugh the summary just wreaks of Leftist douche by whoever wrote it.

3 months ago

Cheesy slasher with offscreen

3 months ago

Came in with low expectations and turned out to be a cool original twist on the slasher. Pretty polished film compared to other selections. Decent gore, some cheezy kill one liners. Cool time period for 1990s groms.

4 months ago