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We Need to Do Something

We Need to Do Something

Directed by Sean King O’Grady

A family become trapped by supernatural forces in this dread-inducing thrill ride.

A family become trapped by supernatural forces in this dread-inducing thrill ride.

Cast: Sierra McCormick, Vinessa Shaw, Pat Healy

Member Reviews

There's a really good film almost happening here. The tension was great, the actors really delivered. As it is, it falls short of being more than an entertaining diversion.

1 month ago

This film is very slow and the ending made no sense at all. Also why was bathroom door fitted to open out of the bathroom? That feels like asking for trouble.

1 month ago

2.5 if I could but I've rounded down. Maybe I've been very lucky in my life to have a level headed supportive family but i simply could not relate to this at all. The dad character was a particularly tough watch. Is it meant to be enjoyable to watch such horrible people? Aside from that there were some good elements that kept me watching. I fell down on the side of not minding the ending although i think I'm in the minority.

2 months ago

A downright odd film,but one with enough plus points to make it worthwhile. For a film set play-like in one room it never feels staged due to good performances, especially from Pat Healy,an actor whose presence always piques my interest. Recently watched 'Take Me' & thought it was a tour de force,& on further investigation discovered the man has been a stalwart in many films I've enjoyed,ive just never really noticed til he's front & centre. For instance he was the voice of 'Officer Daniels' in Compliance, not a horror but truly one of the most terrifying films I've ever seen! Oh yeah,in this one are you aware the,albeit brief,voice of the dog is supplied by Ozzy Osborne?!

3 months ago

I think this one punches well above its weight so it’s hard not to judge it with bigger films. Didn’t feel cheap at any point and solid performances. Not a slow burn but almost. People with good imaginations will get more out of it.

5 months ago