Joe Bob's Red Christmas
We may not have the films, but you can still gather around the yule log with the whole Drive-In crew for Joe Bob's segments and commentary from JOE BOB'S RED CHRISTMAS.
Member Reviews
We don't get any of the movies in the UK, only Joe Bob sections.
I must be the only person that prefers Joe Bob without the movies that I've seen a thousand times. Listening to his wealth of knowledge is more than enough for me. Very entertaining!
I signed up for Joe Bob. I got... this. Across the different Joe Bob strands on Shudder, UK/EU subscribers either get only a handful of the episodes available to US subscribers or, as in the case of Joe Bob's Red Christmas, have to make do without the movies at all. I hate to give anything Joe Bob is involved with a negative review -- I've been a fan ever since reading about him in Carol Clover's 'Men, Women and Chainsaws' -- but it feels like Shudder isn't interested in its UK/EU subscribers. I understand there are rights issues but either invest in a market, or don't.
It hurts having to give anything Joe Bob’s attached to one skull because he is a massive reason I enjoy shudder, but to not include the relevant films is just a slap in the face. For it to be so obvious just how substandard our experience is compared with what is in the USA version of the same service is cruel and insulting. Shudder, if customers pay for the same goods they all expect the same quality.