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The Last Drive-in With Joe Bob Briggs

The Last Drive-in With Joe Bob Briggs

Proving once again that “the drive-in will never die,” iconic horror host and exploitation movie aficionado Joe Bob Briggs is back with a new season Fridays on Shudder TV and Sundays on demand. Every week, The Last Drive-In series offers an eclectic pairing of films, running the gamut from horror classics to obscurities and international cult favorites. And from time to time, special surprise guests will drop in on Joe Bob and Darcy the Mail Girl.


Member Reviews

Man what happened to this show. I miss that 2019 vibe and now they just do 1 movie every few weeks, I thought it was every Friday . And why so much politics in the comments. Isn’t this supposed to be an escape from most of that. Damn turned something that was so amazing into a damn chore

19 hours ago

shuckandmirror, EXACTLY! The show got popular from the old formula and then BOOM, Darcy gets more air time and it all feels different. But you never hear from the people who dislike the changes. You only hear from the Darcy robotic-followers. They are trying so hard to be PC and all-inclusive that they never realize when a snake is in their midst. Oh, and Darcy has TWICE joked that animals can not be killed in movies, even when faked, but kids are fair game. And people love a person that says this???

2 days ago

Shudder didn't publish my previous review in which I was critical of Joe Bob's increasing tameness. Darcy, whom i like, acts as an unwanted governor on him. His jokes are less interesting, he avoids anything remotely controversial, he is shy about his obvious faith at Christmas and he is constantly worrying about what people on X think, despite most viewers not using the platform. He shouldn't have worry about a movie having a fake bunny rabbit dying in a film he shows. Stupid. Go back to saying what you want when you want to. i have 2 subs to Shudder because I was high enthusiasm about Job Bob. No one should get in the way of that.

2 days ago

Left wing commies suck! They are the ones destroying America and stoking division.

2 days ago

DownWithPC, Stop trying to equate the Left with the Right. It's NOT going to work. We know who the actual bigots are who are trying to take away rights. And no, we do NOT have to be tolerant of the intolerant. You really don't know how "freedom of speech" works, do you? Criticism is just that and it's well warranted.

2 days ago